Home Paragraph A street hawker paragraph| Class 6-12 |

A street hawker paragraph| Class 6-12 |

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A street hawker paragraph 150 words

A street hawker is a person who sells various items on the streets. He is a self-employed person. He is a well-known person in the city and town. He is also seen in the village. She wears strange costumes of different colors and makes strange noises to attract the attention of his customers. He carries his belongings on his head, in his hands, in a bag, or in a handcart. He usually buys his goods at cheap prices and sells them at a good profit. Its products are mainly attractive to women and children. He usually sells toys, cosmetics, ribbons, readymade garments, utensils, sweets, fruits etc. Usually in the absence of the landlord he comes to sell his goods. He uses various strategies to attract his customers. He claims that his product is the best in quality. Since kids are his favorite buyers, he protects them with good communication. Even if a peddler works hard, he cannot earn much. He usually has very little capital and earns little. He has to support his family with great difficulty. So we should honor him for this great service.

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1 comment

siyam September 10, 2022 - 10:14 pm

nice writing


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