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Paragraph: The importance of learning English |

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The importance of learning english paragraph for Class 6, 7 (150 words)

English is an international language. It is pronounced all over the world. About 30 million people in the world speak English. So learning English is very important. English is essential to communicate with foreign people. It is also important for higher education. All higher education books are written in English. It is also helpful in getting a job. You can get a job inside or outside the country by learning English. English is also important in every field of life. English has turned the world into a global village. People can communicate with anyone around the world through this common language. To have a good control over English we need to learn English. A student should learn English not only to get good results but also to lead a good life. So the importance of learning English cannot be described in words.

The importance of learning english paragraph for JSC (Class 8) 200 words

People cannot but learn English to communicate with others. English also has many life related practical aspects which are important for a comfortable and happy living. For example, we need a good paying job to earn money. English can make it easier. A person with good English skills can easily find any good paying job inside or outside the country. Due to advancement in technology we can now travel from one country to another very easily. So, English is essential to communicate with people from other countries because English is known as a common language. Due to the progress of time students need to learn English to pass higher education. With the changing world and the advancement of technology, the importance of learning English is increasing. In global village now we can communicate with anyone if we know common language. We cannot depend on English for our education, jobs, communication etc. We must depend on English to fulfill our basic needs. In a word, we cannot deny the importance of learning English because it is complicated with our personal life.

The importance of learning english paragraph for SSC (Class: 9-10) 250 words

As the lingua franca of the world, English is can be told the most important language as it has influence on different aspects of life. To cross the border among countries there is no alternative than English. English is the most living language of the world. It is widely accepted as a means of international communication among the different countries of the world. English is not only an international language but also a treasure house of knowledge of all kinds. The best books on different branches of modern science, technology and others are mostly written in English. Hence, students must know English well to understand the language and to grasp the knowledge contained in these books. We can not be able to produce good doctor’s, skilled technicians and efficient engineers if our students do not have adequate knowledge of English. In other words, we can say that in order to keep pace with the advanced and developed countries, we are to learn English well. Moreover, English has a rich literature. If we stop studying English, there is a possiblity that we shall be cut off from the tide of modern western civilization. Learning English offers us a great opportunities to get good jobs both home and abroad. Above all, anybody: willing to get higher education in science and technology or any other subjects needs the knowledge of English. So everybody should learn English well.

The importance of learning english paragraph for HSC (Class 12) 300 words

Among the 7111 languages on the world, only 23 language is used by most of the people for speaking. English is considered as the Most important language in these 23 languages. English is not only official language in 39 countries but also second language in 55 countries. People can not but learn English in order to communicate with others. As the reason behind the importance of learning English,there are so many things. Mainly in our country, students learn English for making a good result. But English also has many life related practical side which are important for leading a comfortable and happy life. For example, in order to earn money we need a job with a good salary. English can make this more easier. A person having a good command over English can easily find any job with a good salary inside or outside of the country. Due to the advancement of technology we can now travel from one country to another very easily. So, to communicate with the people of other countries English is a must as English is known as a common language. Despite these reasons, English is also essential for good performing in higher education. Because of the progressing of time students must learn English for passing higher education. With the changing world and the progress of technology the importance of learning English is increasing. With the invention of internet and mobile phone we have turned the world into a global village. Now we can contact with any person if we know the common language. We can not but depend on English for our education, job, communication etc. In order to fulfil our basic needs we must rely on English. In a word, we can’t denial the importance of learning English as it is complicated with our individual life. As long as we live in the world we have to know English. For these reasons, we shouldn’t deny the importance of learning English rather we should learn English.


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Md Foysal mahmud March 13, 2023 - 1:13 am


Najeed Khan May 16, 2023 - 7:05 pm

Vv good 😊😊 thanks 👍🏻


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